Thursday, January 1, 2009

Trois: "Those clouds are so poorly photoshopped."

Prompt: "Those clouds are so poorly photoshopped."
From: NaNoWriMo's Give and Take a Prompt Thread
Word Count: 207
Notes: Be forewarned, one of the characters below has a potty mouth. This turned out a bit more serious than I had intended, and the ending is a tad abrupt, but I like the simplicity of it all. Duncan is completely awesome as well, wonder where he came from?


"Those clouds are so poorly photoshopped."

"Shit, Ari. Those are real clouds. How the hell can real clouds be poorly photoshopped?" Duncan said, his tongue piercing clicking against his teeth.

"The colors are too blah, not enough saturation or brightness." She sat up and pointed at the western half of the sky. "And, look there, those clouds look like they've gone through the cloning tool. Completely unoriginal and fake. What a crock."

Duncan pushed himself upright. He rolled his eyes at Ari, "You know, I brought you here so you would relax, you adorable, little idiot." He scanned the skies before his eyes fell onto a large cloud. "For instance, I was thinking you would make pictures out of the clouds. Not accuse God of being bad at photoshop. Isn't that sacrilegious, or something?"

"I don't know." Ari shrugged. "It doesn't really matter I guess." She rummaged around in her purse for a moment before coming up with a pack of nicotine gum.

"Still trying to quit?"

Ari nodded. She popped a piece in her mouth and grimaced. "This crap is horrible, I don't care how much they advertise otherwise."

Laughing, Duncan reached over and ruffled his hair. "Those fuckers. I bet they're bad at photoshop too."

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