Monday, January 12, 2009

Cinq: “That’s not a goldfish.”

Prompt: “That’s not a goldfish.”
From: NaNoWriMo's Give and Take a Prompt Thread
Word Count: 213
Notes: The following has britspeak! Yay! However, if you don't like the good ol' British b-words then read no further because dear Ms. McFarland felt like using them.


The sun was bright in a cloudless, cerulean sky. Its rays pounced down to the ocean below, and reflected playfully in the waves. A single lifeboat bobbed on the open water with two people sitting inside of it. A man and a woman.

"That's not a goldfish." The man was looking out at the water, and at the shadowy form that seemed to be swimming closer and closer.

"Of course it's not a bloody goldfish, Mr. Abbington! We're in the middle of the ocean. Why in God's name would there be a bloody goldfish in the middle of the ocean?" The woman gestured wildly, the flamboyant and expensive, feathered hat on her head bobbing along with her actions.

"Ms. McFarland! I hardly think that foul language will help a thing. We should remain calm at a time like this." Mr. Abbington said. He was surprised that the poor woman's dainty shell had already cracked wide open, and thought that the poor dear would probably be fainting soon.

Ms. McFarland narrowed her eyes, and the feather wavered dangerously. "If you think I'm going to remain calm when we are stranded in the middle of the bloody ocean, then you've gone barmy!" An emerging shark fin from the water made her eyes widen. "Oh, bugger."

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