Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Deux: He found her body at midnight.

Prompt: He found her body at midnight.
From: NaNoWriMo's Give and Take a Prompt Thread
Word Count: 80
Notes: At first I was going to go in a totally different direction with this, but suddenly Cinderella popped into my mind, and the following poem was created. It's a little sad, a little morbid, but the language makes me happy.


Moonlight ticking up the clock,
Nine, Ten, Eleven
Almost Twelve.
Close, near, not far at all.

A luminous ball,
Gonna dance all night?
Only a wish, but the spell
Won't last forever.

Twirl, spin, waltz.
Sparkle, laugh, live.
Two shiny shoes,
One prince to love.

Ticking, Tocking.
Moonlight creeping up
A clock.
Midnight, Midnight!

Run, dash, flee.
Dress dissolving,
Pumpkins crumbling,
Magic Ending.

Pretty lil' shoes,
Not so great for speed.
Trip, Crash, Fall.
He found her body at midnight.

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