Tuesday, December 30, 2008

An Introduction

I love to write. Lately though, I've had way more writer's block than I'd like to admit or even think about. This is the solution that I've come up with, and hopefully it'll work.

I'm going to write to prompts when I can't think of anything to possibly write. When I can think of things, I'll write them here as well.

That's all, really. Guess I'll get started then.


1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I'm also a high school student who loves to write (though I'm only a freshman). And I know what it's like to have writer's block. It sucks. Majorly.

    I write for Fan Fiction, for the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, and after about 6 chapters in to my stories I get writers block. And it sucks. So I crank up my playlist on Youtube and I sit back and listen, hoping that inspiration will find its way to my brain. Anyhoo, your blog sounds really fun.
